Clinochlore or Seraphinite Stock and Information Seraphinite or Clinochlore minerals From Eastern Europe(Irkutsk (Mg,Fe2=,Al)6(Si,Al)4O10(OH)8) also known as seraphiniteNormally a mettalic like green with fibre like silver markings throughout. Seraphinite is a gem quality Clinochlore of the Chlorite Group on minerals. Originates from the Korshunovskaia mine near Baikal Lake Eastern Siberia.
Helps in angelic communications and said to be a healing stone of the age.Crystal healing properties - often referred to as a stone of enlightenment and used in angelic work.
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Out Of Stock Seraphinite Crystal SphereSeraphinite also know as Clinochlore carved into a stunning crystal ball f..
Seraphinite or Clinochlore Freeform, nice quality polished ideal to set, or we can do it for you! ap..
Seraphinite or Clinochlore Tumblestones 28-35mmSeraphinite or Clinochlore Tumblestones from Eastern ..
Seraphinte Pendant set into a simple silver pendant, approximate size: 35mm(1.4"") in height *actual..
Lovely Seraphinite cabochon set into a Silver Pendant approximate height:52mm(2"") x 32mm(1.2"") *ac..
Out Of Stock Seraphinite also know as Clinochlore carved into a stunning crystal ball from Eastern Europe approx..
Seraphinite Tumblestone Pendant with ThreadSeraphinite Tumblestone drilled complete with silken thre..
Out Of Stock Polished Face SeraphiniteGorgeous patterned Seraphinite, one side polished with lovely silvery and v..
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Out Of Stock Seraphinite Polished SliceSeraphinite Polished Slice, polished one side the other cut but not final ..
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