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Clevlandite with Muscovite and AdulariaClevlandite with intergrown muscovite plates, crystals and ad..
Muscovite Formation From Norwaymuscovite, lovely layered formation from Hortekollen, Norway. approx..
Black Tourmaline Muscovite and Feldspar Formation, sprays of black tourmaline with muscovite wafers,..
Chondrodite Muscovite Formation from the Himalayas approximate size: 59mm x 52mm x 24mm*actual item..
Golden colour Muscovite Formation from Brazil approximate size: 105mm x 71mm x 32mm*actual item..
Muscovite with Quartz Point Formation approximate size: 90mm(3.5") x 86mm(3.4") x 31mm(1.2")*actual..
Muscovite Wafer Formation from the Himalayas, rarer from this area. approximate size: 102mm(4") x 6..