

bright shiny crystals and minerals polished into crystal and mineral tumblestones ideal for crystal healing layouts, priced per stone unless otherwise listed in thee descriptions

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Danburite Crystal Tumblestone Out Of Stock

Danburite Crystal Tumblestone

Danburite Crystal TumblestoneDanburite Crystal with rainbow inclusion, lovely crystal partially clea..


Danburite Freeform Tumble

Danburite Freeform TumbleDanburite part polished tumblestone, longer thinner piece polished with goo..


Quality Blue Aquamarine tumblestone 26mm

Aquamarine tumblestone 26mmHigh Quality Blue aquamarine tumblestone, great colour and quality.approx..


Quality Emerald tumblestone 27mm

Emerald tumblestone 27mmHigh Quality emerald with schist tumblestone, great contrasting green and bl..


Rose Quartz Archangel Uriel Tumblestone

Rose Quartz Archangel Uriel TumblestoneRose Quartz tumblestone with carved & painted Archangel G..


African Turquoise tumblestones 18-25mm

African tumbled turquoise tumblestones, medium-large in size. size guide: 18-25mm *limited stock*..


Agate Large tumblestones 25-30mm

From Brazil large agate tumblestones.Classic natural agate tumblestones with some banding and colour..


Andean Opal Larger Part Polished tumblestones Bulk Lot

Andean Opal part polished tumblestones from Peru, size guide: 25 - 35mm, approximately 250g quantity..


Andean Opal Part Polished tumblestones Bulk Lot

Andean Opal part polished tumblestones from Peru, size guide: 18 - 28mm, approximately 250g quantity..


Andean Opal tumblestones 28-34mm

Andean Opal tumblestones 28-34mmFrom Peru, we have a limited number of these lovely tumblestones siz..


Angelite larger tumblestones 28-35mm

Large natural angelite tumblestones from Peru, size guide: 28-35mmprice per piece, limited stock ava..


Angelite Medium tumblestones 21-25mm

natural angelite tumblestones from Peru, hand polished almost spherical size guide: 21-25mmprice per..


Angelite small tumblestones 14-18mm Out Of Stock

Angelite small tumblestones 14-18mm

natural angelite tumblestones from Peru size guide: 14-18mm, last of this size availableprice per pi..


Anthracite tumblestone 26-34mm

Anthracite is a pure form of coal formed from plant matter and often confused with jet, both formed ..


Apatite tumblestones 17-24mm

Brazilian Apatite tumblestones size guide: 17-24mmprice per piece, limited stock available.*sample o..


Aquamarine - Large tumblestones 28-34mm

Aquamarine - Large tumblestones 28-34mmlarge tumbled Brazilian Aquamarine tumblestones size guide: 2..


Aquamarine - Larger tumblestones 40-48mm

larger tumbled Brazilian Aquamarine tumblestones size guide: 40-48mmprice per piece, limited stock a..


Aura Quartz - Large tumbletones 35-40mm

Natural clear quartz, fused with iridium & gold in a vacuum to create a wonderfully colour refle..


Aventurine - Large tumblestones 30-40mm Out Of Stock

Aventurine - Large tumblestones 30-40mm

Brazilian aventurine, size guide: 30-40mmprice per piece, limited stock available.*sample of actual ..


Aventurine Archangel Michael Tumblestone

Aventurine Archangel Michael TumblestoneAventurine tumblestones with carved & painted Archangel ..


Aventurine tumble 20-25mm

natural Brazilian aventurine size guide: 20-25mmprice per piece, limited stock available.*sample of ..


Best Citrine tumble 16-23mm

Brazilian high quality citrine size guide: 16-23mmprice per piece, limited stock available.*sample o..
